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Quality of Life FAQs

Quality of Life/Code

A quality of life officer is a municipal officer who interprets and enforces the municipal code of ordinances. Specific area of expertise includes: zoning regulations; building; housing; environmental and property maintenance.

Patrol’s the residential and commercial areas in an effort to provide proactive enforcement through performing site inspections to determine if a violation exists and responding through appropriate actions. In addition to proactive enforcement, QOL Officer Patrol’s residential and commercial areas in response to written complaints received regarding potential violations. All written complaints are followed up with site inspections and appropriate actions.  

Clarkston Municipal Code Section 5-32 requires citizens to mow their lawns on a regular basis. Grass/weeds cannot exceed twelve (12) inches in height on all properties all year round. Why do I have to cut the grass along the City Street? The Clarkston Municipal Codes requires citizens to maintain their property all the way to the street.

Outdoor storage includes: damaged lumber, building materials, junk, trash, garbage, debris, scrap metal, concrete, asphalt, cans, bottles, glass, tires, salvage materials, boxes, containers, bins, and abandoned, discarded, inoperative, or unusable furniture, stove, refrigerator, freezer, sink, toilet, cabinet or other household appliances or fixtures,  laying around in the yards.  Clarkston Municipal Code Section 5-33 does not permit the presence of outdoor storage for more than twenty-four (24) hours.

Clarkston Municipal Code Section 18-27 prohibits any person to store, retain, park or keep in the City of Clarkston inoperative, wrecked or junked vehicles for more than seventy-two (72) hours after being notified of the violation.

Clarkston Municipal Code Section 12-52 requires animal feces to be immediately removed and dispose of by the owner of the animal on private/public grounds.

A home business is allowed in the City of Clarkston. They are primarily restricted to office uses in residential neighborhoods, and require an occupational tax certificate for a home occupation.