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Historic Preservation Commission

The Clarkston Historic Preservation Commission was created by the Mayor and City Council in 2019. The three (3) member board was established to oversee initiatives, including conducting inventories of Clarkston’s historic assets, proposing historic districts and sites, promoting awareness through a wide range of activities, and acting as advisors to public officials related to historic preservation issues.

The Clarkston Historic Preservation Commission meets every month on the 3rd Thursday at 3:00 pm at the Clarkston City Hall Annex. Currently, there is 1 vacancy on the Historic Preservation Commission. This vacancy is for a 3-year term to expire on December 31, 2027.

Candidates must be current residents of the City of Clarkston. A majority of members shall be persons who have demonstrated special interest, experience, or education in the preservation of historic resources, history, or architecture. Candidates must be formally nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council at a regular Council Meeting to be appointed to the Board.

If you are interested in applying for one of these positions, please submit your Committee Application, resume, and letter of interest to Richard Edwards at The City will be accepting submittals until all positions are formally appointed by the City Council.

Interested residents should complete the Historic Preservation Commission and submit to Richard Edwards,

Click to read the Adopting Ordinance for the Clarkston Historic Preservation Commission.