Birthplace: Conyers, Georgia
Years Resided in Clarkston: 4 year resident, currently living in one of the first homes built more than 70 years ago (aired property), in the first African American neighborhood in Clarkston.
Profession: Associates Degree in Health Information Technology - Certified Coding Specialist with 10 years of service with Emory Healthcare.
Goals for Clarkston: I want the views of all residents heard and respected while adding balance on City Council to better align decisions on future development in the city with the views of the community. I want to ensure that Clarkston is successful economically, with good businesses, and that it is an excellent place to live for everyone. Making sure we have good government in our city. That means transparency in all city and council functions, good communication between the city council and the community, creating the best professional policies and procedures, and adhering to them. Making sure that as we develop neighborhoods and redesign our downtown area, we include greenspace and that the designs are community-friendly.
Community Involvements & Organizations: Former member of the Clarkston Historical Preservation Commission, and Supporter & Volunteer with Positive Peering, Inc.
Personal Motto: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. Maya Angelou