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Clarkston C.A.R.E.S. Rank and Review Criteria

Clarkston C.A.R.E.S. Rank and Review Criteria


Q&A: How will the applicants be scored?


Rating scale:

Applications will be evaluated based on six criteria. Each will be awarded between 0 and 50 points:



Specific things to consider when evaluating an item are quality, functionality, customer service, and delivery time. The rank and review committee will use these criteria to score each application. The total score should not exceed 150 points.


1. Direct Service to Residents (0 – 20 points)

List the number of Clarkston residents that will be directly assisted or supported utilizing C.A.R.E.S. Grant Funds. Please list the total number of residents that you expect to service and how they will be directly assisted or supported. For example, the GED Program is expected to serve a total of 50 residents between the ages of 18 – and 50.


2. Location of Services (0 – 20 points)

Identify the location of all training sessions, meetings, and/or events funded by this grant. If there is more than one event funded by the grant, list the location of each event.


3. Alignment with the City Vision & Mission: (0 – 20 points)

You should explain how your project aligns with the City’s Vision & Mission. 

Vision – A multicultural, diverse community, we aspire to be inclusive and responsive, striving for excellence in everything.

Mission – It is the mission of the City of Clarkston to provide all citizens with cost-effective services and leadership that is open and responsive to the needs of the community, as well as to work for the benefit of all while developing and ensuring the highest quality of life for our residents.


4. Proposed Approach and Methodology (0 – 50 points)

Outline how you will use the requested funds to accomplish your project’s objectives. For example, if your project is to provide training to a group of beneficiaries, your methods could include the curriculum, the delivery mode, the trainers, the materials, and the evaluation tools. You should describe your methods in detail and explain how they are relevant, appropriate, and feasible for your project.


5. Cost Proposal (0 – 20 points)

The cost proposal is the estimated cost of the various elements of the project. For example, staff salaries, contractor fees, supplies, and any other expenses necessary to provide the service and support stated in the grant proposal.


6. Qualification & Experience (0 – 20 points) 

Please include details about the key personnel involved in the project, outlining their relevant education, professional background, past project experience directly related to the proposed grant, specific skills and achievements that demonstrate their ability to successfully execute the project. Also, include any similar project, training or events that your organization hosted.


 In order to be considered for the CARES Grant, applications must include ALL mandatory documents. Failure to include all documents will result in your application being disqualified:


Required documents:

  • The applicant’s 501(c)(3) Determination Letter
  • The applicant’s Certificate of Incorporation
  • The applicants’ last two years of financial statements
  • Two letters of support, which lists names, titles, email addresses, and phone numbers of agencies or individuals
  • Three professional references – must include the name of the individual providing the reference, along with the name of the organization, title, phone number, email address, and in what capacity the reference is provided a reference (was the applicant a member of the team or did work for the organization).
  • Funding commitment letters from all other funders of this program or activity, if applicable